MaxxAir Fan – MaxxFan Deluxe Review (2+ years Full-Time Vanlifer)

I remember trying to decide between the MaxxAir Fan and the Fantastic Fan when planning my DIY van build. The Fantastic Fan was far less expensive but everything (literally, everything) that I read online were complaints by Fantastic Fan owners about how much they wished they’d “just spent the extra cash and purchased the MaxxFan Deluxe.” In fact, I’ve yet to meet anyone who has a Fantastic Fan and prefers it over the MaxxFan Deluxe.

As a result, I purchased the MaxxFan Deluxe and am so happy with it, even after 2 years.

Frankly, the ability to use a MaxxAir Fan in the rain (PS, you never need a fan more than when it’s humid and raining) is enough reason alone to make the purchase, but if you’d like the full MaxxAir MaxxFan Deluxe review I’ve shared my detailed experience in this article!

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MaxxAir Fan MaxxFan Deluxe Review

There’s several types of MaxxAir fans available (more detail on this below). I chose to install the MaxxFan Deluxe in my DIY campervan for a few reasons – primarily because it can operate in the rain (comes with a built-in rainshield) and because it includes a remote control. So how am I liking it after 2 years of full time van life?

What I Love About My MaxxFan Deluxe

Great news! I love almost everything about my MaxxFan Deluxe and highly recommend this MaxxAir model.


After 2 years living full-time in my van my MaxxFan Deluxe is still going strong! The only routine maintenance required is cleaning it (but I imagine this would apply to any vent fan) and once a year I take the blades off (an easy job) and spray it with some WD-40.

Comes With A Remote

I wasn’t sure how much I would use the remote, but I actually use it almost exclusively. My fan is located in the back of my van, above my bed, so the remote is really convenient for adjusting the fan settings without having to crawl across the bed to reach the on-unit controls.

Additionally, the screen that comes on the remote will tell you what the interior temperature of your van is. This is especially handy if you don’t have a temperature monitor anywhere else in your vehicle.

Built-in Rain Shield

Most vent fans don’t come with a built-in rain shield. In fact, the best most other models have is a rain sensor which simply closes the lid automatically when rain begins – but they can’t run during rainstorms.

My MaxxFan Deluxe can run during rain, which is especially important because this is when humidity in my van is highest.

Note: While you can add a rain cover to most fans, it’s an unnecessary expense and those shields are much taller which adds to your vehicles overall height and clearance. The built-in shield on the MaxxFan Deluxe is low profile.

Powerful Air Flow

This thing can really move some air! Because it comes with 10 power speeds is also possible to really narrow down on the specific setting you need.

The best part – it’s powerful without being power hungry. Even at it’s max setting it only consumes 2.8 amps.


The deluxe model comes with a thermostat setting. That basically means I can set the temperature (on the remote) I want the inside of my van to be and the fan will turn on/off and adjust speeds in order to maintain that temperature.

This is really useful in two ways. First, when I leave my dog in my van I can make sure the fan kicks on if the temperature gets too warm.

Second, I can have the fan on when I go to bed and if it gets too cold outside overnight the fan will automatically shut off so it doesn’t get too cold inside while I’m asleep.

Easy Installation

My MaxxFan was one of the first projects I tackled with my DIY van. This was my first time building a van and I was starting with next to know experience or know-how, so I can confidently say that installation is quite easy.

A tip: there’s no such thing as too much waterproofing (I used Sikaflex). If you skimp on this step you’ll likely have problems with leaks down the road.

Lastly, the fan is installed with the standard 14x14inch hole. Since most roof vents and AC units use this size, it’s possible to swap or upgrade your unit later on.

Color Options

The MaxxFan Deluxe is available in black or white. I chose the black option so it would match my black van. It’s a lot easier to be ‘stealthy’ when the items on your roof don’t stick out like a sore thumb.

Plus, all models are white on the inside, which is nice because it matches the interiors much better and blends into the ceiling.

What I’d Like To See Improved In The MaxxFan Deluxe

Overall, I’m quite happy with my MaxxFan Deluxe and the pros certainly outweigh the cons. However, for the sake of a well rounded review these are the things I’d like to see improved.

Noisy On Low Speeds

While I don’t believe all fans have this problem, my fan seems to be slightly off balance. This is no problem on higher speeds because the velocity overrides the imbalance.

However, on low speeds there’s a faint squeaking noise. It’s quiet enough that during the daytime when I’m busy and doing other things I do not notice it. Unfortunately, at night when I’m trying to sleep it’s noticeable.

I know plenty of people with the same model fan as I have who do not have this issue. It’s also possible there’s an easy fix for it, I just haven’t cared enough about it to tackle a solution.


In the grand scheme of things this is almost a non-issue. But, for the sake of full transparency on every tiny thing that bugs me, the fan makes a quick ‘beep’ every time you change a setting.

This includes when the thermostat kicks on during the middle of the night to adjust the fan. While I sleep through it 9 out of 10 times, it can still be obnoxious if you’re a light sleeper.


Look, I’m not afraid to invest money in a high quality product like this. But if it were less expensive I wouldn’t complain.

Tip: if you buy this fan on Amazon just know that the prices tend to fluctuate quite a lot. As in: up or down $150! I’d say anything around $400 is a fair price, but I’ve seen it listed for over $500 occasionally.

10 Best Fans For Van Life

MaxxAir Fan Performance


Moves up to 900 cubic feet per minute (CFM). This thing can really move some air! When I crank it up to 10 there’s a serious wind-tunnel effect inside my van.


Controls on the fan and operated by a remote control. 

After having access to the remote control, I can’t imagine having to manually push buttons on the fan each time I want to change settings.

I have a great sense of relief when I’m all tucked in cozy at night and realize I need to adjust the fan… which requires only the push of a button on the remote control and does not require me getting all the way out of bed.

Power Draw

The MaxxFan Deluxe power draw is between 0.1 amps and 2.8 amps depending on which speed setting is selected.

FYI – that’s super low power consumption. I could leave my MaxxAir roof fan on for days without running out of battery power.


Great! My only complaint after several years of almost constant use is that there are many teeny parts to clean (womp, womp) and the wheel bearings require a bit of WD-40 after the first month or so to keep the fan operating quietly.

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MaxxFan Deluxe Review Comparison Chart

In case the model numbers and features are just as confusing to you as they were to me, I created a MaxxFan model comparison chart to easily outline the differences.

MaxxAir Fan Model Comparison Chart review
Comparison of MaxxAir MaxxFan Features

Maxxair MaxxFan Models

There are 3 primary categories for MaxxAir MaxxFan models: MaxxFan, MaxxFan Plus and MaxxFan Deluxe.

MaxxAir Fan MaxxFan and MaxxFan Plus vs MaxxFan Deluxe

Even though the model numbers seem random and don’t make much sense, the general gist is this:


Exhaust only, no intake feature. Limited to 4 fan speeds. Additionally these models do not have a thermostat, remote control, or rain shield (meaning they cannot operate while it’s raining), and the lid only opens manually.

MaxxFan Plus

Like the MaxxFan, the MaxxFan Plus cannot be operated in rain. However, two MaxxFan Plus models (4751KS and 4500K) have a rain sensor, which automatically closes the lid if rain is detected.

Unlike the MaxxFan model, MaxxFan Plus has an intake option (meaning you can reverse the fan direction), comes in 10-speed and a few of the models have a thermostat, remote control or lid that opens electrically.

MaxxFan Deluxe

All of the MaxxFan Deluxe models come with a thermostat, a rain shield that allows the MaxxFan Deluxe to operate in the rain and lids that can open electrically (push of a button vs cranking).

Every MaxxFan Deluxe model, except 5301K and 6401K, comes with air intake capabilities. Additionally, model 7500K and 7000K come with a remote! (Pst, this is what I have)

Looking for a good interior fan? Check out my Sirocco 12 volt fan review.

MaxxAir MaxxFan Deluxe Features

  • Built-in rain shield
  • Electric opening lid
  • Reversible fan direction: exhaust and intake
  • Up to 10 speed fan settings
  • Ceiling fan mode
  • Can operate while driving
  • Highly efficient 12v fan power
  • Automatic thermostat settings (great for traveling with your dog!)
  • Removable bug screen, no tools required
  • Slim profile
  • Wireless remote control (my favorite!!)
  • 2-year limited warranty with lifetime limited warranty on the lid

Reasons You Need A Roof Vent Fan In Your Van

Getting the Most From Your Camper Roof Vents Fan

Let’s get fancy and talk about Affinity Laws. Science!

Sounds scary, right? Honestly, it is a little intimidating tbh. I had to call my dad to clarify my research on this. (Thanks Dad!)

Here’s the simple breakdown (#3 is the most important for van life): 

1. As you increase the fan speed, the flow of air increases proportionally. AKA, a linear graph. Each variable (speed and air flow) are increasing by the same amount as the opposite variable.

MaxxAir Fan Affinity Law - Speed to Air Flow
Up 1, over 1

Takeaway: For each increase in speed (like moving from setting 1 to setting 2), there is a proportional increase in air flow. Basically, the rate of increase from a speed of 1 to 2 is the same as the rate of increase for speed 9 to 10.

2. As you increase the fan speed, there is a disproportionate amount of increased pressure created. AKA an exponential graph.

MaxxAir Fan Affinity Law - Speed to Pressure
Up 1, over 1(^2)

Takeaway: As you increase fan speed steadily, the pressure will increase exponentially. The increase in pressure from speed 1 to 2 is much less than the increase in pressure from speed 9 to 10. In mathematical terms: Y (pressure) = x (speed)^2

3. Lastly, (this is the one that’s important for van dwellers with limited battery power) faster fan speeds correlate with an exponentially increasing amount of power consumption. Another exponential graph. 

MaxxAir Fan Affinity Law - Speed to Power
Up 1, over 1(^3)

Takeaway: As you increase fan speed steadily, the energy required to power your fan will increase exponentially. The increased amount of energy used when you change speed 1 to 2 is much less than the increased amount of energy used when you increase from speed 9 to 10. In mathematical terms: Y (energy used) = x (speed)^3

Essentially, your van exhaust fan becomes less energy efficient at higher speeds. Keeping your MaxxAir Fan at 80% speed or lower is the best way to optimize your battery power.

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Why You Need a MaxxAir Fan in Your Van

MaxxAir Fan Van roof vent fan


Camper roof vents create air movement within your van helps with temperature control, moisture control and odor control. The best way to create airflow is by having a van roof vent fan in addition to a window that can open.

Condensation & Moisture Control

When you exhale, your breath contains moisture. The warm air from breathing hits cool surfaces in your van and turns to condensation.

Condensation is water. Water inside is bad and can lead to mold.

Instead, exhausting your air moisture with a van roof vent fan will help keep condensation from building up and creating problems inside your van.

Ventilation & Odor Evacuation

Given that we cook, use the toilet, and shower in our vans, it’s important that we have a way to vent odors and moisture.. Additionally, gas stovetops and diesel heaters burn fuel that have potentially dangerous gasses from the combustion which can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning if not properly vented with a van exhaust fan.

Climate & Temperature Control

Regardless of how well you have insulated your van, a metal box in the hot sun is going to warm up. Using a max air fan helps with climate control by circulating the cooler outside air through your van roof vent fan.


While it’s unlikely, and hopefully never something you’ll experience, sometimes dangerous gasses can build up inside of a van (or any home or RV, for that matter). Having a van exhaust fan will carry away potentially harmful toxins.

Additionally, a van roof vent fan is a great way to cool your van while keeping the windows closed. Personally, I’ve been thankful for this option while traveling through places I was not completely comfortable sleeping with open windows at night, like in cities.

MaxxAir Vs Fantastic Fan – which is better?

MaxxAir MaxxFan Review FAQs

Can You Run MaxxAir Fan While Driving? Can You Drive With a MaxxAir Fan Open?

You betcha! The twin arm design is intended to be strong enough to remain open while you’re driving.

However, I personally do not keep the MaxxAir Maxx Fan Deluxe open while I’m driving because I’m skeptical and also because I’m reluctant to pay for (and install) a new one if mine breaks.

How Much Power Does a MaxxAir Fan Use?

0.1-2.8 amps depending on speed setting. More power is used when the fan is set to faster speeds.

Are MaxxAir Fans Reversible? 

MaxxAir MaxxFan Deluxe and MaxxFan Plus van fans are reversible. They come with the ability to intake or exhaust air. All of the other MaxxFan models will exhaust air only. Therefore, all other MaxxAir Fan models are not reversible because the air flow will only move in one direction (out).

MaxxAir Maxx Fan Deluxe Dimensions

MaxxAir MaxxFan Deluxe dimensions measure 22.5” long x 16.5” wide x 5” tall when closed and 9.3” tall when opened.

MaxxAir Fan Models – Are All MaxxAir Fans the Same?

No, not all MaxxAir Fans have the same features. There are three types of models: MaxxFan, MaxxFan Plus and MaxxFan Deluxe.

MaxxFan is the most cost effective model, and also includes the least number of features.

MaxxFan Plus models can include more speed settings, and are reversible.

MaxxFan Deluxe is the top of the line van fan and includes additional features like the ability to operate in rain, thermostat settings, remote control and more fan speed options.

Maxxair Fan CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute)

Maxxair fans operate up to 900 cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Can You Use a MaxxAir Fan in the Rain?

You can use a MaxxAir Deluxe fan in the rain. Unfortunately, MaxxFan and MaxxFan Plus models cannot operate in the rain.

Is a MaxxAir Fan AC or DC?

MaxxAir Fans operate on 12v DC.

Conclusion: Is the MaxxAir Fan Worth it? Are MaxxAir Fans Good?

Absolutely. The MaxxAir MaxxFan Deluxe van roof vent fan is undeniably worth the price bump. Fantastic Fan’s aren’t much less expensive but they are much less functional. Roof fans for vans is one category you don’t want to skimp on, in my opinion.

Buy a Maxxair fan for your van. If you can, then get the MaxxFan Deluxe with remote. If you’re looking for the next best option that’s a little more budget friendly then the MaxxFan Plus is a great option.

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